I took my first yoga class in high school and have been practicing Yoga consistently since the mid 1990’s. For much of that time I would practice once a week, sometimes more but often it was a little less. In 2007 my mother became ill. During my mother’s illness yoga took on a deeper presence in my life and my practice became a refuge from the stress of my situation and allowed me to be a better daughter to my ailing mom. The work I had done as a corporate learning professional became scarce and again yoga helped me cope.
Over the years I had often considered training to become a teacher. In class, when I would look around, which wasn’t often, I would notice another practitioner’s asana and want to instruct, to impart what I had learned about alignment in my own practice. As a layperson I was unqualified to do so and besides, it wasn’t my class.
I have always loved sharing knowledge with others. In the early 1990’s I transitioned from a working as a Human Resources Generalist to one focusing on corporate learning and professional development. The discovery that I could positively impact another’s career and life was jaw dropping and I have been told that I am good at it. One of the aspects of that work that I have enjoyed the most is the expectation that the teacher will never cease to learn. Working in corporate learning was and continues to be personally rewarding as I consider my clients’ strengths, their needs and their areas for development and fashion strategies help them grow and succeed.
So often I have heard that one is too old, stiff, scared, intimidated, skeptical to try or learn yoga. The list goes on. The time was right to fuse my long-time career in corporate learning and development with my passion for Yoga.
There are so many applications for Yoga and I aim to demystify the practice for those who are new to it and provide a forum for deeper exploration for those with a more established practice.
As a corporate learning professional I have been doing just that for the last 20 years. The information shared may be different, the methodology is similar however: observe your learners, build a foundation, communicate clearly, be flexible in your approach, be open to suggestion, always be learning yourself.
ISHTA Yoga 500 Hour Certified
Yoga Nidra Certified
Trauma Conscious Yoga Method (TCYM) Certified